This Page contains all significant Information concerning this
: 30/06/2015
news.... Can't believe it, right ? )
been a LONG time, quite naturally - as the 3dfx Archive was
basically planned to "chug along" without any more
as it turns out, some Files in the Archive - for reasons unknown
- went corrupt over time on the main server.
Upon performing a complete scan, it turns out a number of Files
are affected.
all of the Files exiting in the Archive were re-downloaded into
my local running Backup (due to a HDD change), assuming they'd be
intact, caused me to actually Backup corrupt Files,
it turns out this will be a somewhat longer task to restore them
to their original, functional Status :P
have to root through some >very< old external Backups or
re-download them from various locations on the Internet.
I'm quite confident, though, that I'll be able to restore most -
if not all - of the affected Files.
unexpected - but I simply have work to do.
And once I'm at it - I'll likely update the Drivers to the latest
state, once I'm at it. Can't harm ;)
thanks to 3dfx Archive visitors to point the issues out to me via
(apologies for not being the fastest to fix them)
Update --------
darn it!
Upon checking Backups as old as nearly 8 years (took a while to
find these in the 1st place), it turns out - those Files are
broken as well (??!)
say the least - that was unexpected, seeing even so extremely old
Backups show the same issues already.
if anything... this sure will take its due time.
Update 2 --------
scanning the entire File Archive on the Server, a total of 8
corrupt Files have been identified.
With the exception of one, all should be (hopefully) easy to
: 24/11/2011
it's been a VERY long time (apparently) since I wrote some news
on this site.
probably, that was rather quite honest, as nothing much has
changed. What has changed, however, is the amount of available
and effort that went into maintaining this Site.
Visibly, I have resorted to keeping the Site up&running,
having become an old archive keeper and maintaining that Status
Quo is
probably not the worst thing around.
it's clear that there are others, more active 3dfx Sites, but it
has never been the goal of the 3dfx Archive to become some sort
visitor magnet or central 3dfx institution. Everything is
provided "as is" with a certain claim of completeness,
although that's
likely not valid when it comes to the latest 3rd party Drivers.
As development has concentrated (AFAIK) mostly to and
a few other individuals, these shouldn't be too difficult to
some busy private changes I could extend, revamp and improve the
Site easily, but I won't promise anything.
As most with knowledge of this site already know, my priorities
have gadually shifted away from this Site,
I guess that's life. After all, we all get older and when the
time comes, other issues require (or downright get) more time
the old days, many sites kicked into life & action after
3dfx' demise - gone but never forgotten.
And just as so many of these great Websites closed down and
simply vanished, ONE promise I can still - and happily - will
yield :
3dfx Archive will be online for as long as people care about that
old, groundbreaking technology,
that was MUCH more than just an assembly of silicon tech onto
as long as I live, those days I will remember as the days of the
most enjoyable Gaming I ever witnessed.
I will keep these times in memory as the best Gaming times ever.
No shiny new tech or amount of shaders/GFlops or DirectX 11+
hardware is going to bring these times back,
that's why gaming original brilliant Games on original 3dfx
hardware will always be something unique and special.
And that's what this site was always about.
: 02/12/2005
there really was nothing groundbreaking to report lately.
We near the end of 2005 and even the latest 3dfx Boards have
reached 4+ years of age.
The 5th anniversary of the Final closure Statement of 3dfx -
dated 15 Dec 2000 - is nearing as well.
the Driver front, it appears the established Driver creators to
have paused or halted development.
(but arguably having reached an exceptional Level of Quality with
AmigaMerlin 3.0 R11 and SFFT Alpha 32 Drivers, for example)
the 3dfx Archive, all that won't change alot however.
As far as time permits, it will still get the occasional update
and mainly serve its duty as what it was planned for :
24/7 available Download Archive holding (almost) everything 3dfx 
regardless of how old the Hardware may be, there are still
countless numbers of some of the best Games ever created
working just perfect (or even exclusively) on 3dfx Hardware 
an alive & well Forum to that, the 3dfx Archive is still far
from silence...
Forum Members together hold what is likely the largest amount of
3dfx Hardware worldwide.
For as long as there are still 3dfx Users around, the Archive
will be there.
if you have any doubts, there's still the offer of the entire
3dfx Archive on DVD or CD's - shipping worldwide - still for zero
Closing comment -
back, it has never been the most pretty Website or the most fancy
but possibly one of the longest lasting and reliable 3dfx Sites.
Outlook -
that's actually a tad difficult to answer. Except for the fact
that it will stay for as long as people need it,
forming an exact future outlook for a 3dfx Archive (besides its
'status quo') seems impossible as of now.
Maybe I'll get other (classic) 3D Hardware into the Boat, maybe
broaden it to include also Tools/Drivers for modern/common
: 11/05/2005
you believe it, a news update...
It's been a very
long time since... [snip] Oh wait, we've *ugh* sort of had that
not much changed around here; everything has just gotten bigger,
as this Archive is growing at a steady rate.
So here's what
happened so far in the Driver world :
Upcoming AmigaMerlin Drivers -=-
Based on the ongoing development of the SFFT Alpha Core,
the AmigaMerlin Driver series has reached V3.0 R6 beta (based on
SFFT Alpha 23).
While not out of Alpha stage yet, the SFFT Alpha DirectX Core is
already the most advanced DirectX Core available for 3dfx Cards,
ideally suited to targed latest DirectX Games that otherwise will
not work with the available Release Drivers.
...and AmigaMerlin V3.0 R10 is just around the corner...
the year 2005 and still 3dfx Users being able to run alot of
modern Games is close to a miracle, but moreso
it is thanks to the combined effort of all who contributed their
time and know-how that it is possible.
With that community effort ongoing, there actually seems nothing
in sight that could stop 3dfx Hardware to continue to do in the
forseeable future 
Commodore AMIGA scene alive & well -=-
...and using 3dfx Hardware for
3D acceleration!
Yes, serious Gaming
existed before the PC... Long before the PC actually.
(If you've never seen a Hand on your Screen holding a blue
3.5" Disk after power-on, you may skip this one; that was
before your time
Just when you
thought you've seen all places where a 3dfx Voodoo card could
possibly work,
another Community already managed to get them working for their
Systems as well.
With PCI-Busboards like Mediator, GRex, Prometheus for classic
AMIGA's or
its successors Pegasos I / II , AmigaOne and µAmigaOne, the
venerable AmigaOS is ready for Voodoo.
(expect respective Driver additions
to the Archive soon)
they're in need for 3dfx-experienced Coders to Port and bugfix
remaining Driver issues,
so if you can give them a hand or just like to visit, head over
to : (German) (int.)
3dfx Collectors roundup -=-
Quite alot of
partly never-before seen pieces of 3dfx equipment have recently
all showcased and described among the total of an insane 1320 3dfx Items, as usual found here ...
The Idea of an all-inclusive 3dfx Collector's Meeting is already
born, but actually realizing it one day would be the difficult
of the best 3dfx Showcasing found worldwide is available here :
Gary's 3dfx
Site :
OutOfRange's 3dfx Site :
No-X-Files :
: 01/01/2005
new year!
been a very long time since I wrote some news...
Work has kept (and still keeps) me extremely busy, upto a point
where I frequently don't have time to update anything.
(and one can imagine, when there is a short break once a
while, other relaxing things are offering themself as well
here's a brief summary of what happened in the 3dfx scene within
the last months :
Doom3 running on Voodoo2 ! -=-
In Oct 2004, a Forum Poster at made his name "Doom" all honour and
managed to surprise the entire 3dfx Community with a Doom3 Patch,
and even caused News Postings at every major Hardware or GFX Tech
related Site.
not quite as shiny as with modern Video Hardware, the Voodoo2
made the stand which truly noone ever deemed possible.
(a Voodoo3 is of course also capable to run Doom3 with it)
As I always say, nothing beats success :
Links (V1.0 Patch Download) :
HalfLife2 running on Voodoo5 ! -=-
In Nov 2004, the next surprise was unveilled once again over at
the Forums.
This time, AmigaMerlin himself showcased that
even the latest 3D Shooter HL2 still runs very nice on the 3dfx
Voodoo5 (AmigaMerlin V3.1-R1 Driver) :
Software Pixel Shader - development progressing -=-
A Project some
stumbled upon a longer time ago, but in the past only of limited
practical use.
very recently, alot of Progress was apparently made, allowing non
Pixel-Shader equipped Cards like 3dfx to use it as a Software
One should keep an eye on this Project, looks very promising :
3dfx Collectors roundup -=-
Frequent Forum
users have likely already seen it, but as of now, the 3dfx
Archive's Forum is happy to contain Collectors
who by today have amassed no less than 920 3dfx Items, some of which are
extremely rare and unique 3dfx Technology Gems.
The ever-growing List is showcased here ...
The 3dfx Archive expands once again -=-
...and this
time with a big step forward...
the past, the 3dfx Archive has always quickly reached and
exceeded all limits I had in mind for it.
Be it exploding Visitor numbers, a never-ending supply of new
(old) Files, or simply Files that were too large to fit into one
the latest expansion, here's how it looks like :
Storage capacity : 9000 MB (+400%)
capacity : 1.5
TB (+488%)
become careful with making statements like "...that should
suffice till the end of days", but it sure looks good now 
A look back -=-
Long forgotten
seem the old and early days of the 3dfx Archive,
when I started to collect and offer a few of the most widespread
3dfx Drivers for Download.
was sometime around Jul 2001, meaning the 3dfx Archive is 3˝ years old, and this is where it is right now :
available for download, 2256MB in total
1220GB served within the last 12
month, to 652000
this time, I think it is in order to thank all the people of the
3dfx community that either directly or indirectly supported this
or simply did their part to keep the 3dfx community alive and
A Special thanks must go to all those that allowed the venerable
3dfx Hardware to boldly go where it is able to be today.
...far far further than everyone would have ever thought
old saying around the community continues to hold true :
3dfx - Gone
but never forgotten !
The Future -=-
As promised,
the 3dfx Archive will stay, for as long as it is needed and
Archive on DVD (or CD if desired) is an offer that is maintained
into the future as well.
If you would like to receive a full Backup of the entire Archive,
it ships worldwide and free of any cost.
(Note : due to work taking its toll, delays in shipping each
(manually hand-prepared) media occured in the past and will
persist until Mar 2005)
News Archive
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004